Friday, November 21, 2014

A steady gaze...

This past weekend I attended a discipleship conference called Entrust. To give a brief synopsis, you enroll in a really cool program that equips you to make disciples. The Entrust weekends are open to anyone and they study about Jesus and the disciples He made that turned the world upside down! You should click here to find out more about it:

A local pastor was the guest speaker and he shared something very insightful. He talked about the context of how boys were trained and discipled under Rabbis in the times of Jesus. Around the age of 15 if they were considered "elite" they would have the opportunity to go to a Rabbi & ask to follow him. The Rabbi would take the request into deep consideration. If the Rabbi consented the boy would follow the Rabbi for 15 years, learning how to do everything just like the Rabbi.

However, if there were boys who were not considered elite and their family was not financially stable the boys would return home and work in their family's business whether it be tent making, fishing etc. They would not follow a Rabbi and they would not be considered of the "elite" group because they were working in their family's business. The interesting and insightful piece to me was when Jesus began His ministry and chose His disciples. He walked on the sea shore and calls out to James & John.... fishermen. Some of the disciples that Jesus chose weren't considered to be elite!

As the pastor was talking through this I just sat there, speechless. Those of you who know me know that's a rare occurrence ;) I sat there trying not to break down and cry my eyes out while I sensed that God was moving in my spirit, bringing about deep levels of healing and restoration as I'm looking at Jesus' example.

You may wonder why this is such a big deal to me. Well, since I'm sure you asked...

I've never been one to be super good or talented at anything (and that's okay!). I'm also not one that is generally picked to be a part of things or to do "special" things (and that's okay too!). Until recently I wouldn't have been able to truthfully say that it's okay. Honestly there are still some days it is a struggle. There can be so much pressure to be perfect or to be exceptionally good at most things or even to get yourself into the distinctly elite crowd of people who are somehow better than you, even though we are all sinners in need of grace. But Jesus doesn't require that. 

To get into the Word and to see that Jesus chose people who weren't considered to be elite, and yet they changed the world was encouraging and I know a timely message from Him to me. But I had to ask myself: why did they change the world?

I honestly believe the answer is because they followed Jesus, keeping their gaze on Him.

 "Follow me, and I'll make you fishers of men...." 

They chose to follow Him, love Him, proclaim Him, suffer for Him, and die for Him. Their hearts were stayed on Him. They didn't have anything to offer really, other than a surrendered heart that repeatedly said "thy kingdom come". When God uses us it isn't because of anything we do or the level of importance that we carry. He uses us because it's who He is: a God that saved us because He loves us, doesn't need us, but chooses to use us to proclaim Him.

Colossians 2:10 says: "and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority". Jesus made a way for us to have a relationship with God, thus giving us a new identity in Him which completed every part that is lacking. Keeping our gaze on Jesus will absolutely proclaim Him and a surrendered heart that flows into a life of serving Him will be used to accomplish things that we might not ever see this side of Heaven.

Love Jesus. Follow Him. Persevere through all of life's journeys. Steady your gaze on Him not in hopes to do extraordinary things; but rather to love Him deeper! The work He does in you and through you because of it will carry into eternity.