Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Say what?

The move down here was completely out of nowhere. I got to spend an entire summer in Chattanooga studying God's word and receiving great training. So one night during one of the camps, I was listening really intently to Ritchie's message and all of the sudden I hear, "You can't go back to Owosso, you have to move". I kind of sit there and say, "what?" I mean, I LOVED the job that I had, the friends I had, the area that I lived. I was the girl who was never leaving Michigan. Okay, I was never leaving Owosso. So I talked to Brooke and Carlotta on the way home that night and we were all kind of like, "What? Really?" So I started praying about it. I mean, obviously I wanted to do the right thing.

The last weekend that I was at Precept I was in training. The second morning of training I really felt the Lord leading me to talk to someone about interning there. I said, "Okay Lord, no problem... just give me someone to talk to"... Well, less than three hours later I was sitting at the lunch table, speaking with a dearly loved and looked up to mentor, and we were talking about (you'll never guess)... an internship. The following Tuesday I went home and the next day I was in full swing of things.

Around two weeks later, it was worked out that I could come back and complete my business internship and have a place to live. I just knew it was the next step for me to take. So for the next six weeks, I spent time with my mom, worked, got school in order, and spent time with my sweet and dearly missed friends. Saying goodbye. Not knowing what would happen after the internship.

I have been here since the end of September. To say the least, it has been epic. So many things to talk about. So much I have already learned. So much yet to learn. Friends who have impacted me.

The Lord knew I liked to stay busy. So, not only am I interning, taking an online class, working at a shoe store, and driving an elderly man to the hospital Monday-Friday, I have been sooo incredibly blessed to find an awesome church and two fantastic small groups!

There have been hard and lonely times, and there have been awesome and exciting times! I can't wait to see what is next!


  1. What a great idea, Lindsey - to start a blog. I have it bookmarked and am looking forward to reading your next entry!!!

  2. You have a knack for writing! Very interesting! I am so proud of you. Having known you since birth and knowing how difficult change is for you, you took one GIANT leap of faith. God will continue to grow and stretch you. I am looking forward to seeing how He uses you! Way to go baby girl!
